Data protection declaration

Data Protection Declaration

At Halima Shoop modischeAccessories AG, we attach great importance to the protection and confidentiality of the data of our customers and users.


The responsible body within the meaning of the GDPR is:

Halima Shoop
7 Rue des Eglantines, 45550 Saint-Denis-de-l’Hôtel, France
Telephone: +33782869773

Company Data Protection Officer

Halima Shoop
7 Rue des Eglantines, 45550 Saint-Denis-de-l’Hôtel, France


Personal data is all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (art. 4 no. 1 GDPR). This includes information such as your name, email address, IP address, postal address, telephone number and user behavior.


1. Data processing during your visits to our website

Each time you visit, our website collects a certain amount of general information. This general information is recorded in our server log files. At each access, the following information is, among other things, collected:

  • Information about the browser used and the operating system
  • Page visited on our website
  • Date and time of access
  • IP address of the computer making the request

We process this information to ensure a smooth connection and to assess the security and stability of the system. Anonymous data from server log files is stored separately from any personal data provided by a data subject. Storing your full IP address is only used to trace technical errors and cyberattacks. The data is deleted if it is no longer necessary for the achievement of the purposes. Log files are deleted after 30 days at the latest, unless technical errors or cyberattacks requiring a longer storage period have been reported.

The legal basis for data processing is our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6, para. 1, par. 1 point f of the GDPR. Our legitimate interest arises from the purposes of data collection listed above.

You have the possibility to object to data processing at any time. You have a right to object for reasons arising from your particular situation. You can assert your right of opposition to the following e-mail address or to the attention of one of the contacts mentioned in the “Responsible person” section: .


Description and Scope

We use cookies on our website. To ensure greater transparency and better understanding for you, we briefly explain what cookies are below. We then indicate which cookies we use in the context of our website.


Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard drive. This dataset is generated by the web server you connected to via your web browser, then sent to you and saved on your hard drive. Cookies allow us to recognize you the next time you visit our website.

Most browsers are set by default to automatically accept cookies. You can configure your browser so that cookies are always rejected or you must actively accept them before each saving. You can also delete cookies stored in your system at any time. In the “Help” section of your browser, you can find information on managing your cookie settings. Find out here how to configure your browser correctly:

If you disable cookies, some features may no longer be available on our site and some pages may no longer display properly. To be able to use our shopping cart and shopping list, temporary cookies must be enabled!

During your first visit to the site , a pop-up window concerning the use of cookies on our site will appear. In this window, you can choose whether you want to accept all cookies or whether you wish to only allow cookies that are necessary for the proper technical functioning of the site by clicking on “Accept selection”. By clicking on one of these buttons, you accept the use of cookies. These cookies are stored for your subsequent visits. If you visit our site again, the message above will no longer appear to you. However, if you delete cookies separately in your browser or visit our website via another device, the message will be displayed again.


What types of cookies are there?

Session cookies

During your visit to our website, a session cookie is temporarily stored in your computer's memory, which stores a session identifier. For example, this saves you from having to log in every time you change pages. Session cookies are automatically deleted at the end of the session, when you close the browser.

Permanent cookies

A permanent cookie stores a file on your computer for the period specified for the expiration date. These cookies allow websites to remember your information and settings the next time you visit. This gives you faster and more convenient access. Cookies are deleted on the predefined expiration date.

Strictly necessary cookies (type 1)

These cookies are essential for the websites to function properly and to perform their functions correctly. They also help you navigate our web pages, move within web pages and display certain features (e.g. these cookies ensure that the contents of your shopping cart are retained for all periods). steps in your payment process). They are stored for the duration of your Internet session.

Functional cookies (type 2)

These cookies improve the user-friendliness and performance of websites and provide you with various functions.

Performance cookies (type 3)

These cookies collect information about your use of the websites. For example, performance cookies help identify the most popular sections of the website. In this way, we can adapt the content of the websites more specifically to your needs and thus present you with an improved offer. The information collected with these cookies is not personal.

Third-party cookies (type 4)

These cookies are installed by third parties, e.g. social networks. They are mainly used to embed social media content such as social plugins on a website. We do not use social plugins on our website. We only link to social media.

What cookies do we use on our website?

On our website we use all types of cookies described above, some of which are only used with your consent.

On the pop-up window where you can make your selection, the following categories are listed:

Strictly necessary cookies

This includes session cookies and absolutely necessary cookies that are used for the basic operation of the store. We use this cookie category on the basis of Art. 6 par. 1 point f) of the GDPR. Our interest in ensuring the provision and use of the website and in ensuring the functionality and ease of use of our website must therefore be considered legitimate within the meaning of the aforementioned provision.

Functional cookies

These are functional cookies that, for example, store articles in the notebook, serve to recognize customers and make the shopping experience more attractive. In addition, we have integrated the external map service “Google Maps” into our website. You can find further information on this in the Google Maps section. We use this category of cookies on the basis of your consent in accordance with Art. 6, para. 1, point a of the GDPR.

Marketing and analytics cookies (via Google Tag Manager)

Google Tag Manager is a code container that helps integrate various analytics and marketing tags. For this purpose, we use performance cookies on our website to evaluate usage data, as well as third-party cookies.

For more information, consult the corresponding sections of this privacy policy under: Google Analytics, Google Remarketing, Facebook Pixel, Google Maps, Microsoft Ads. We use this category of cookies on the basis of your consent in accordance with Art. 6, para. 1, point a of the GDPR.

You have the possibility to revoke your consent at any time: Reconfigure cookies and tracking settings . Please note that the lawfulness of the processing carried out in accordance with your consent up to the time of revocation is not affected by your revocation.

To the extent that our data processing is based on the legal basis of Art. 6, para. 1, point f of the GDPR, you have the possibility at any time to object to the processing of your data. You have a right to object for reasons arising from your particular situation. You can assert your right of opposition to the following e-mail address or to the attention of one of the contacts mentioned in the “Responsible person” section: .

3. Contact form/Contact by email/Contact by telephone

A contact form is available on our website and can be used if you wish to contact electronically. If you choose this option, the personal data you entered in the input mask (e.g. name, e-mail address) will be transmitted to us by clicking on the "Send" button and stored. In addition, we record the date and time of your contact to prevent misuse of our contact form and to ensure the security of our IT systems.

You can also contact us via the email address provided: , and by telephone.

We keep the personal data transmitted to us as part of the contact process. We do this only to process your request and to contact you afterwards. This personal data is not communicated to third parties. We will delete the corresponding data as soon as the processing is no longer necessary or we will limit the processing to cases where legal retention obligations apply.

Art. 6, para. 1, point f), of the GDPR constitutes the legal basis for the processing of data for the purposes of making contact via the contact form and for the processing of the data that you have transmitted to us by e-mail. Our legitimate interest is the processing of your request. If your request aims to conclude a contract, the additional legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 par. 1 phr. 1 point b) of the GDPR (performance of a contract).

To the extent that our data processing is based on the legal basis of Art. 6, para. 1, point f of the GDPR, you have the possibility at any time to object to the processing of your data. You have a right to object for reasons arising from your particular situation. You can assert your right of opposition to the following e-mail address or to the attention of one of the contacts mentioned in the “Responsible person” section: .

4. Online store: creating a Halima Shoop Club account

On our website you have the option to create a password-protected Halima Shoop Club account, whether you have already placed an order or are considering it. The Halima Shoop Club account gives you the opportunity to place your next orders easily and quickly.

It is not obligatory to create a Halima Shoop Club account. On the contrary, you can place orders in our online store as a guest without registering (see Section 5 of our privacy policy).

To create your Halima Shoop Club account, we need your first and last name, your email address, a password and your address. In addition, you can enter your date of birth if you wish. After creating your Halima Shoop Club account, you will not only be able to place your orders more conveniently and you will also have an overview of the status of your orders and/or previous orders.

At any time, you can view, modify and/or update the data stored in your account. To do this, simply log in with your email address and the password you chose when registering.

Regarding the creation of the Halima Shoop Club account, we also record the creation date and time of your connection, as well as the IP address. The purpose of this recording is to be able to trace and prove the connection at a later date to clarify, if necessary, possible misuse of your personal data. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 par. 1 phr. 1 pt f) of the GDPR, according to which the legitimate interest lies in the possibility of proving the creation of the account. If you wish to object to the storage of the above-mentioned data for reasons which may arise from your particular situation, please contact us at or contact the contact persons mentioned in the “Responsible Party” section. .

Additionally, it is possible to delete your Halima Shoop Club account. To do this, please send us your Halima Shoop Club account deletion request by email to . The deletion of data, which is not covered by the customer account deletion process due to commercial and tax regulations or legal provisions, only takes place after expiry of the corresponding retention periods.

The Halima Shop Club card

With the creation of a Halima Shoop Club account, you will receive your Halima Shoop Club e-card in the form of a QR code and a card number, which is indicated in the "My card" area of ​​your account. You will receive a physical Halima Shop Club card in German stores.

When using the Halima Shoop Club card, the following data is collected:

  • Differentiation between online usage and corresponding store location
  • Time of use
  • Items purchased
  • The amount spent and the points thus obtained
  • Rewards/vouchers redeemed

This data is then processed in order to offer you the various services of your club affiliation. These services include, among other things, the calculation of rewards or the sending of individual club bulletins (see also the following paragraph). The legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 par. 1 point b of the GDPR. The processing takes place on the basis of the execution of the contract of Halima Shoop Club.

We also use the data mentioned for market research and offer optimization. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6, para. 1, point f of the GDPR. It serves our legitimate interest in market research and direct marketing. This includes in particular: analysis of your purchasing behavior for personalized offers, invitations to events, promotional campaigns. You have the possibility at any time to object to the processing of data for direct advertising purposes. You can assert your right of opposition to the following e-mail address or to the attention of one of the contacts mentioned in the “Responsible person” section: .

Halima Shoop Club press releases

After setting up your Halima Shoop Club account, we will send you regular emails, i.e. approximately 2-3 times a month, as well as our club newsletters. We will inform you regularly on the following topics:

  • Services for Halima Shoop Club members
  • Invitations to exclusive Halima Shoop Club events
  • Participation in special draws
  • Surprise birthday gifts and other gifts from Halima Shoop Club
  • Number of points
  • Discounts
  • Quizzes

We transmit your data to an external service provider based in Berlin and Offenbach am Main, who processes your personal data on our behalf in the context of sending a notification from the Halima Shoop Club. We have concluded an order processing contract with this external service provider. According to this contract, the service provider undertakes in particular to respect strict rules when processing your personal data, including the obligation to process your personal data exclusively in accordance with our instructions and the legislation in force.

The legal basis for the electronic sending of club communications is Art. 6 par. 1 point b of the GDPR. Treatment is mandatory for club membership. If you refuse this treatment, it will not be possible to join the Halima Shoop Club. Please contact

5. Data processing when using our online store

Orders placed in the online store

You have the opportunity to place orders in our online store as a registered Halima Shoop Club member or as a guest without registration. If you are a registered Halima Shoop Club member, simply log in with your email address and password to complete the order and follow the subsequent ordering process, for example by selecting the desired payment method.

On the other hand, if you wish to place an order online on our site as a guest without registration, it is necessary, for the conclusion and execution of the contract, that you enter the data required as mandatory information in the mask of seizure. Mandatory information is identified as such.

The legal basis for data processing in the context of purchase and preparation for purchase is Art. 6 par. 1 phr. 1 point b) of the GDPR.

We store your contact details, payment and order data until statutory warranty rights or any contractual guarantees have expired. After expiration of this period, we retain information about the contractual relationship, required under commercial and tax law, for the statutory periods (as a rule, ten years from the conclusion of the contract).

6. Payment data

As part of the ordering process in our online store, payment data may be collected to carry out the payment process in certain circumstances, depending on the choice of payment method. You have the following payment options:


You can complete the payment process with the online payment service PayPal. PayPal allows you to make online payments to third parties. The European operating company of PayPal is PayPal (Europe) S.à.rl & Cie SCA, 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg. PayPal is an online payment service provider independent of Halima Shoop. Payments are made via PayPal accounts. These are virtual private or professional accounts. It is also possible to make virtual payments by credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.

If you choose PayPal as your payment method, your data necessary for the payment process, including your name, address and email address, are automatically transmitted to PayPal.

This data transmitted to PayPal may be communicated by PayPal to credit bureaus. The purpose of this transmission is to verify identity and solvency. PayPal may also pass your data on to third parties, as long as this is necessary to fulfill contractual obligations or if the data must be processed on request.

The legal basis for data processing is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR, because data processing is necessary to make payment with PayPal and thus fulfill the contract.

You can consult PayPal's privacy policy at .

Amazon Payments (“Amazon Pay”):

If the payment method "Amazon Pay" is selected, the payment is processed via the online payment service provider Amazon Payments Europe sca, 5 Rue Plaetis, L-2338 Luxembourg. Our store is connected to Amazon Payments via a plugin. Your access data for Amazon is entered into a form provided by Amazon Payments and is processed directly by Amazon Payments without our intervention. Once logged in, Amazon Payments will temporarily provide you with payment information such as billing address and/or shipping address for you to choose from. Billing is done directly through your Amazon account. We only store the data you have selected for order processing.

For more information, see the Amazon Pay privacy policy at .

The legal basis for data processing is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR (implementation of a contractual relationship).

Payment by credit or debit card:

In addition, we offer you the possibility of making your payments by credit card.

For this payment method, payment is handled by the payment provider Unzer GmbH. The entry of your payment data and the reconciliation of this data with the respective credit institution takes place through integration via an iFrame directly at Unzer and we do not store any payment data.

You can find the data protection principles on which the use of credit cards when processing your data is based here.

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6, para. 1 pt f) of the GDPR (implementation of a contractual relationship).

Click and Collect

We offer you the possibility to select your items online, then pay for them and collect them in person at one of our stores. As part of the Halima Shoop and Collect service, your name and order number will be sent in the form of a delivery note to the corresponding store in order to be able to identify you on site and give you the purchased goods. The transmission of this data is governed by art. 6, para. 1, point b) of the GDPR.

Processing of data for advertising and competition purposes

As a regular customer, we will use your email address for advertising purposes for our own identical or similar products, if you have ordered from us (§ 7 LCD, Unfair Competition Act). You can object at any time to the use of your e-mail address and/or postal address for advertising purposes in writing to the attention of the contacts mentioned in the “Responsible person” section or by e-mail to the address following: . Please enter “Opposition to advertisements” in the subject line. The legal basis is Art. 7 par. 3 of the LCD as well as art. 6 par. 1 point f) of the GDPR. Our interest in sending advertisements tailored to your needs must be considered legitimate within the meaning of the aforementioned provision.

If you have registered for a competition, we will use the personal data you have provided to us for participation, implementation and sending lists of winners and prizes. In this context, the legal basis is art. 6 par. 1 point b) of the GDPR. You provide us with data based on the contractual relationship (conditions of participation) between Halima Shoop and you. In certain circumstances, we transmit your data to service providers as part of the prize draw, e.g. for the distribution of prices. Further information can be found in the relevant competition conditions of participation.


If you subscribe to a newsletter, we use your email address to send the corresponding newsletter. We regularly inform you about interesting topics, present you with exciting prize draws or provide you with exclusive vouchers. The mandatory information relating to sending the newsletter is only your email address.

To ensure your correct registration for the newsletter, i.e. to prevent unauthorized registrations on behalf of third parties, we use the so-called double confirmation procedure. This means that after your first subscription to the newsletter, we send you a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address you provided when registering, in which we ask you to confirm your registration. If you do not confirm your registration within 14 days, your information is blocked and automatically deleted after 30 days. After confirming your registration, we store your email address to send you the newsletter. In this context, the legal basis is art. 6 par. 1 phr. 1, point a) of the GDPR.

Regarding your subscription to the newsletter at Halima shop

We also record the registration date, registration time and confirmation time. The purpose of this recording is to be able to trace and prove the connection at a later date to clarify, if necessary, possible misuse of your personal data. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 par. 1 phr. 1 point f) of the GDPR, according to which the legitimate interest lies in the possibility of proving the registration. If you wish to object to the storage of the above-mentioned data, please contact the contact persons mentioned in the “Responsible Party” section or contact us at .

With your consent, we record your user behavior in our newsletters. The evaluation of user behavior includes, in particular, which sections of the relevant newsletter you visit and which links you click on. In this context, personalized user profiles are created by associating your person and/or your e-mail address in order to better target a possible advertising approach, in particular in the form of newsletters and advertising announcements on the site, depending on your interests, and improve the different offers.

You can revoke your consent to sending the newsletter at any time and unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can confirm this revocation by clicking on the link available in each newsletter e-mail, by e-mail to or by sending a message to the contact details indicated in the legal notice.

We transmit your data to external service providers based in France, who process your personal data on our behalf as part of sending the newsletter. We have entered into an order processing contract with these external service providers. According to this contract, the service provider undertakes in particular to respect strict rules when processing your personal data, including the obligation to process your personal data exclusively in accordance with our instructions and the legislation in force.


Our website contains links to social networking services Facebook (Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA), Instagram (Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA). Unis), Pinterest (Pinterest Inc., 808 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA) as well as the video portal YouTube (YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA). We have integrated the corresponding social media button as a link on our website.

If you visit our website and click on the button of one of the social networking services, you will be redirected to our page on the corresponding networking service. If you use the redirection function to a social network account, you will leave our website. In this case, comply with the data protection provisions and other instructions, which are subject to the privacy policy of the third-party provider. If you are registered and logged in to one of the social network services, you also have the possibility to share articles from our online offer with your friends by clicking on the corresponding "Share" button. We also integrate these buttons via a link on our website.


We have integrated the web analysis service “Google Analytics” on our website, a web analysis service of: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4 (Ireland), fax: +353 (1) 436 1001 (“Google”).

Google Analytics at Halima shop

Halima shoop uses “cookies”, which are text files stored on your computer, to analyze your use of the website. The data collected by cookies about your use of our website is generally transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. We use Google Analytics only with the IP anonymization function activated. To ensure anonymous collection of IP addresses (so-called “IP masking”), we have added an extension to Google Analytics with the code “gat._anonymizeIp(); » for this website. This means that Google abbreviates your IP address, within member states of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.

We have signed an order processing agreement with Google Inc. At our request, Google processes the information generated by the installed cookies for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activities and providing to ourselves, as publisher of the site, other services relating to site activity and Internet use. Google is obliged not to combine the IP address transmitted by your browser during the use of Google Analytics with other Google data.

The legal basis for processing your data is Art. 6, para. 1, par. 1, point a) of the GDPR, if you have given us your consent in this regard. Google also processes part of this data in the United States. Concerning the transfer of data to the United States, there is no Commission decision establishing its adequacy; the legal basis for transfer to the USA is Art. 49 para. 1, par. 1, point a) of the GDPR. You have the possibility at any time to revoke your consent to processing and transfer to a third country: Reconfigure cookies and tracking settings. Please note that the lawfulness of the processing carried out in accordance with your consent up to the time of revocation is not affected by your revocation. Further information on the terms of use and data protection of Google Analytics can be found at and/or at intl/fr/policies/ .


On this website we use the Google Maps offering. This allows us to display interactive maps directly on the website and allows you to use the map function conveniently.

When you visit our website, Google is informed that you have accessed the corresponding subpage of our website. In addition, the data mentioned under Open our website and Cookies in this declaration are transmitted regardless of whether Google provides you with a user account to which you are logged in or whether no user account exists. If you are logged in to Google, your data will be directly associated with your account. If you do not want to be associated with your profile on Google, you must log out before activating the button. Google stores your data in the form of usage profiles and uses them for the purposes of advertising, market research and/or the needs-based design of its website. Such an evaluation is carried out in particular (also for unregistered users) to represent advertising in accordance with the request and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles, you must contact Google to exercise this right. The legal basis for the processing is Art. 6, para. 1, phrase. 1, point a) of the GDPR if you have given us your consent in this regard. Google also processes part of this data in the United States. Concerning the transfer of data to the United States, there is no Commission decision establishing its adequacy; the legal basis for transfer to the USA is Art. 49 para. 1, par. 1, point a) of the GDPR.

You have the possibility at any time to revoke your consent to processing and transfer to a third country: Reconfigure cookies and tracking settings. Please note that the lawfulness of the processing carried out in accordance with your consent up to the time of revocation is not affected by your revocation.

You can find further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and processing by Google in Google's data protection declarations. There you will also receive further information about your rights in this regard and setting options for protecting your privacy: .

13. Facebook Pixel

On our website we use the “Facebook pixel” of the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

This serves to present interest-based advertising (“Facebook Ads”) to visitors of our website when visiting the social network Facebook. To do this, we have integrated invisible tracking pixels (“Facebook Pixels”) on our website. These pixels perform a similar function to cookies. When you visit our pages, tracking pixels establish a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server. Facebook receives, among other things, information from your browser that our website was launched via your device. If you are a Facebook user, Facebook can associate your visit to our site with your personal Facebook user account. As providers of the site, we would like to point out that we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data and their use by Facebook. We can only decide which Facebook user criteria (such as age, interests) should be taken into account when displaying our advertising. By activating this pixel from your browser, Facebook can also detect whether a Facebook ad was successful, i.e. whether it resulted in an online purchase, e.g. This allows us to measure the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes.

The legal basis for processing your data is Art. 6, para. 1, par. 1, point f) of the GDPR, i.e. on the basis of your consent. Facebook also processes part of this data in the United States. Concerning the transfer of data to the United States, there is no Commission decision establishing its adequacy; the legal basis for transfer to the USA is Art. 49 para. 1, par. 1, point a) of the GDPR. You have the possibility at any time to revoke your consent to processing and transfer to a third country: Reconfigure cookies and tracking settings. Please note that the lawfulness of the processing carried out in accordance with your consent up to the time of revocation is not affected by your revocation.

For more information on the collection and use of data by Facebook as well as your rights and options for protecting your privacy, see Facebook's privacy notices: privacy/ .

14. Google Remarketing

On our web pages we use the Remarketing or “Similar Audiences” functionality offered by Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4 (Ireland), fax: +353 (1) 436 1001 (“Google”).

Google's Remarketing or "Similar Audiences" feature allows us to interest visitors to our pages with targeted advertisements, by activating personalized, interest-based advertisements for visitors to the web pages when they visit. visits to other web pages on the Google Display Network. To analyze website usage, which serves as the basis for creating interest-based advertisements, Google uses so-called cookies. Cookies allow website visits to be recorded as well as anonymized data about website usage. There is no storage of personal data of visitors to the site. If you subsequently visit another site in the Google Display Network, advertisements will be displayed which, with a higher probability, take into account the products and information areas previously viewed.

The legal basis for processing your data is Art. 6, para. 1, par. 1, point a) of the GDPR, if you have given us your consent in this regard. Google also processes part of this data in the United States. Concerning the transfer of data to the United States, there is no Commission decision establishing its adequacy; the legal basis for transfer to the USA is Art. 49 para. 1, par. 1, point a) of the GDPR. You have the possibility at any time to revoke your consent to processing and transfer to a third country: Reconfigure cookies and tracking settings. Please note that the lawfulness of the processing carried out in accordance with your consent up to the time of revocation is not affected by your revocation.

You can consult additional information relating to Google Remarketing and Google's privacy policy at: .

15. Halima shop Optimize

On our websites we use the web analysis and optimization service “Google Optimize” offered by Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4 (Ireland), fax: +353 (1) 436 1001 ( " Google ").

“Google Optimize” serves to improve the attractiveness, content and user-friendliness of our website. New functions and content are thus presented to our users in different forms and different user behaviors are evaluated using statistics. For this purpose “Google Optimize” uses “cookies” with the help of which “Google” processes the information generated about the use of our site by user devices and access data for the purpose of analysis of the website. use of web pages. The access data includes, in particular, the IP address, browser information, the previously visited web page as well as the date and time of the server request. “Google Optimize” is used with the “anonymizeIp()” extension. This means that IP addresses are processed in abbreviated form so that it is much more difficult to associate them with a specific person. According to “Google”, IP addresses are previously shortened within member states of the European Union.

The legal basis for processing your data is Art. 6, para. 1, par. 1, point a) of the GDPR, if you have given us your consent in this regard. Google also processes part of this data in the United States. Concerning the transfer of data to the United States, there is no Commission decision establishing its adequacy; the legal basis for transfer to the USA is Art. 49 para. 1, par. 1, point a) of the GDPR. You have the possibility at any time to revoke your consent to processing and transfer to a third country: Reconfigure cookies and tracking settings. Please note that the lawfulness of the processing carried out in accordance with your consent up to the time of revocation is not affected by your revocation.

You can find further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and processing by Google in Google's data protection declarations. There you will also receive further information about your rights in this regard and setting options for protecting your privacy: .

16. Halima shop Google Ads conversion (objective: measure the impact)

Recipient: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4 (Ireland) and Google, LLC 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 (United States)

"Google Ads" is also used with the "Conversion" function to draw attention to our attractive offers on external sites using advertising media (previously "Google AdWords"). We can determine the degree of success of individual advertising measures based on advertising campaign data. These advertising media are provided by Google via so-called “ad servers”. For this purpose, we use “Ad Server cookies” which enable certain impact measurement parameters to be evaluated (e.g. ad display, viewing duration or user clicks). For this purpose, information stored on user devices is also processed. If users access our site via a Google ad, a "cookie" is stored by "Google Ads" on the user's device. Using cookies and tracking pixels, Google processes information generated by users' devices about interactions with our advertising media (visiting a certain site or clicking on an advertising media) as well as data access (in particular IP address, browser information, previously visited site as well as the date and time of the server request) for the purpose of analyzing and visualizing the extent of the impact of our announcements. For this purpose, it is also possible to determine whether different devices belong to you or your household. Due to the marketing tools used, the user's browser automatically establishes a direct connection to the Google server. If users are registered with a Google service, Google can assign the visit to the user account and create and evaluate user profiles for all applications.

Transfer to a third country: consent to the conversion of Google Ads also includes consent to a possible transfer of data to the United States without an adequate level of data protection and without sufficient guarantees (lack of enforceability rights of data subjects, lack of legal protection and possible and abusive access to user data by state authorities). The use of Google Ads remarketing involves a transfer to a third country. If you do not want to accept the transfer to a third country, you must deselect Google Tag Manager.

The collected information is transmitted to Google's server in the United States and stored there for a maximum period of 24 months. In the event of data transfer to the USA, it is currently not possible to guarantee the same level of data protection as in the states of the European Union. Please take this into account when giving your consent.

The legal basis for this data collection is your consent (art. 6 par. 1 point a) of the GDPR).

You have the possibility at any time to revoke your consent to processing and transfer to a third country: Reconfigure cookies and tracking settings. Please note that the lawfulness of the processing carried out in accordance with your consent up to the time of revocation is not affected by your revocation.

Furthermore, you can prevent the recording of information generated by the cookie relating to your use of the website as well as the processing of this data by deactivating the setting of cookies. In certain circumstances this may limit the functionality of the website. In addition, Google may, under certain circumstances, track your user behavior on several of your electronic devices through so-called cross-device tracking and is thus able to display personalized advertisements on the sites and Halima shop web applications. For more information, click here: Link to Google Privacy Policy

For more information on data protection at Google, please see Google's privacy policy: Link to Google privacy policy .

17. API Conversion

With our Internet presence, we use the conversion API of the social network Meta, Willow Road 1601, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. This tool is used to track the behavior of visitors to our website as part of their membership in the Meta/Facebook social networks and to present them with interest-based advertisements (“Meta/Facebook Ads”). For this purpose, the conversion API has been integrated into our website. This data interface determines your behavior on our website and transmits it to Meta/Facebook. The data collected includes device information, IP addresses, email addresses, address, first name, last name, city as well as activities on our website (purchase, add to cart, search, etc.). This data is transmitted to Facebook/Meta. Meta/Facebook provides us with information about your usage behavior, which we can use to personalize our advertising for you.

The legal basis for processing your data is Article 6(1)(1)(a) GDPR, i.e. on the basis of your consent. Facebook also processes certain data in the United States. Data transfer to the USA is based on the EU-US data protection framework agreed with the European Commission. Further information can be found here: Privacy Shield Framework .

You have the possibility to revoke your consent to processing and transfer to third countries at any time: Reconfigure cookie and tracking settings. Please note that the lawfulness of processing carried out on the basis of your consent until its revocation is not affected by your revocation. For more information on the collection and use of data by Meta/Facebook, as well as your rights in this regard and options for protecting your privacy, please refer to Facebook's privacy policy at https: // .

IV. How long is my data kept?

In principle, we process and store your data for the duration of our contractual relationship. This also includes the initiation of a contract (pre-contractual legal relationship).

The processing of your personal data stored in accordance with point II-8 for the purposes of (direct) advertising and market research ends at the latest with your objection or termination of the participation contract.

Furthermore, we are subject to various retention and documentation obligations, in particular those arising from French commercial law and tax law. The retention or documentation periods specified therein extend up to ten years after the end of the contractual or pre-contractual legal relationship.

In addition, special legal provisions may require a longer retention period, for example the storage of evidence within the framework of legal restriction rules. The normal statute of limitations is two years, but statutes of limitations of up to 30 years may also apply.

V. Who receives my data?

Within our company, only those departments that have access to your data to protect our legitimate interests or to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations have access to your data.

We do not transmit personal data to third parties in any way. The transmission of personal data to delivery service providers such as Deutsch Post AG is an exception. In particular, we renounce the commercial disclosure of your data to third parties.

A transmission of your personal data to third parties is only carried out if necessary and for the aforementioned purposes. In this case, third parties process your personal data on our behalf. As part of the order processing, we have carefully selected subcontractors, who are obliged to treat your personal data confidentially in accordance with the legal provisions of Art. 28 of the GDPR and to respect data protection. Furthermore, the processing of your personal data takes place exclusively in accordance with the instructions of Halima shop. For example, in the following areas, we transmit your personal data to the processor for the purposes of contract execution: support/maintenance of IT applications, archiving, processing of payment cards (debit cards/credit cards), marketing, hosting providers, payment service providers, website management, contractual partners.

Other recipients of the data may be public bodies (such as the tax authorities and the Central Tax Directorate), if there is a legal obligation to transfer your data.

The data that was recorded during access to the site will not be transferred to third parties unless we are required to do so by law or by court order or if the transmission is necessary for legal reasons in the event of attacks on the website of our company for the purposes of legal or criminal prosecution.

Other recipients of the data may be organizations for which you have consented to the transmission of the data.

VI. Is the data transferred to a third country?

A transmission of data to countries outside the EU or EEA (so-called third countries) generally does not take place, unless explicitly stated otherwise in this privacy policy.

VII. What are my data protection rights?

  1. Right of access of the data subject (Art. 15 GDPR) : You have the right to demand confirmation of the processing of your personal data; if this is the case, you have a right of access to these personal data and to the information specified in art. 15 of the GDPR.

  2. Right to rectification of incorrect personal data or integration of complete data (Art. 16 GDPR) : You have the right to demand the immediate correction of any incorrect personal data concerning you and, where applicable, the immediate integration of the data incomplete personal data.

  3. Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) (Art. 17 GDPR) : You have the right to demand the immediate deletion of any personal data concerning you, if one of the reasons set out in Art. 17 GDPR applies, e.g. if the data is no longer necessary for the purposes pursued.

  4. Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR) : You have the right to demand restriction of processing if one of the conditions mentioned in Art. 18 GDPR is met, e.g. if you have objected to the processing pursuant to Art. 21 GDPR, for the duration of any verification to determine whether our legitimate interests override yours.

  5. Right to object to processing (Art. 21 GDPR) : If the data is collected on the basis of Art. 6, para. 1, phrase. 1 pt f) (data processing for the protection of legitimate interests), you have the right to object to the processing at any time for reasons relating to your particular situation. We will no longer process your personal data for these purposes, unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal rights.

  6. Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR) : In certain cases, listed in detail in Art. 20 GDPR, you have the right to receive personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to request the transmission of this data to a third party.

  7. Right to revoke your consent (Art. 7 par. 3 phr. 1 of the GDPR) : You have the right to revoke your consent at any time with non-retroactive effect without affecting the legal nature of the processing carried out in accordance with your consent until time of revocation.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 of the GDPR: In accordance with art. 77 GDPR, you have the right to appeal to a supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes data protection regulations. You can exercise this right before a supervisory authority of the Member State of your place of residence, work or the place where the alleged infringement took place.

If you wish to make use of your right of revocation or opposition, simply send an e-mail to .

VIII. Existence of an obligation to make data available You must only provide us with the personal data necessary for the finalization and execution of a contract. You are not subject to any other obligation to provide your personal data.

IX. Does an automated individual decision and profiling take place? In principle, we do not use automated decision-making or profiling in accordance with Art. 22 para. 1 and para. 4 of the GDPR, for the establishment and execution of the commercial relationship.

X. Modification of the privacy statement Halima Shoop reserves the right to modify this privacy policy in accordance with data protection regulations. The current version can be viewed here or elsewhere conveniently located on our website.

Version January 2024